
We believe that we have the greatest news
imaginable to share with you!

We believe that God, who created and cares for our world, has given us the Bible to teach us about himself, ourselves, and what life is all about. Since it is God's Word, the Bible is completely accurate and must be trusted and reflected in how we live.

What the bible teaches

The Bible teaches that:

There is only one eternal God, who exists in a loving relationship of Father, Son and Spirit – one God in three persons.

Humanity has been created by God and in his image, for the purpose of worshipping and enjoying Him forever.

When the first man Adam rebelled, humanity was plunged into sin and brokenness and was separated from God. We now all naturally rebel against God's authority and we justly deserve to be punished by him.

God has graciously given us the opportunity to be made right with him again. He did this by sending his Son, Jesus Christ into the world to live the perfect life we've all failed to live, and to die in the place of rebellious humans. In this way, Jesus acted as a substitute, and willingly took the punishment for those who will trust and follow him.

On the third day, Jesus came back to life, demonstrating that he has the ability to conquer death. He then returned to heaven where he reigns over all things, promising that he would return again to judge the world.

True and lasting forgiveness, peace, joy, purpose, and life, can only be found in Jesus! Anyone who turns from their rebellion and trusts that Jesus died on the cross for them, trusting him as Saviour and Lord, will be welcomed back into God's family.

The Holy Spirit helps Christians live in obedience to Jesus and equips them to joyfully live on mission for him.

Those who ignore and reject Jesus will face God's just eternal judgement in hell, while those who trust in Jesus will experience the eternal joy of heaven.

The Westminster Confession of Faith.

As a Presbyterian church we are founded on and hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith as a helpful reflection of what the Bible teaches. However, we recognise that the confession was written at a point in history different to our own. So while we believe that it's true in what is says, its emphasis lands on issues that may be different to those of our own day.

If you would like to dig deeper, please let us know and we'll point you to where you can find a copy of the WCF.

Meet our Team

Shane Wright

Palmview Church Pastor

Shane is married to Peta and they have four kids. Prior to full-time ministry Shane worked in the construction industry, managing a building company on the Sunshine Coast. Shane and Peta both grew up on the Sunshine Coast and have deep affection for the area and the people.

Shane completed his candidacy for ministry at Maroochydore Presbyterian Church, and stayed on as the Associate Pastor. A graduate of Queensland Theological College, Shane has been leading the 4:30PM service at Maroochydore for a number of years. By God's grace, we have had the joy of seeing the 4:30PM service grow in numbers over the past few years, to the point where we've outgrown the capacity of our current building.

Jens Norved

Lead teaching and vision Pastor

As a minister of our church since 2009, Jens is delighted to see how God has grown the work from one location to three by mid 2022. Jens is married to Louise, he plays guitar and wants ordinary, everyday, people to know Jesus. He studied theology at Moore College in Sydney and Queensland Theological College in Brisbane.

Feel free to get in touch—we'd love to hear from you.

Contact Details

Fill in the form or contact our pastor Shane Wright directly.

Phone number
0408 850 832
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If you would like to give to our church, please use the bank details below.

Westpac Bank
Account No.
717 044
Account Name
Palmview Church
Partnership with MTS

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